
Title: Powerhouse
Section: Halo CE Maps
Author: D0ubl3 HeLiX
Description: A remake of sorts of Powerhouse from the Reach beta.
File Name: Powerhouse.zip
Media Type: Zip
Size: 15.3M Date: 08/27/10
Map Size: Medium
Downloads: 175
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File Notes
A remake of sorts of Powerhouse from Halo: Reach. I started on this in the middle of June and I just thought that it would be really cool to see how it would turn out. No materials were ripped and all models, textures, animations and other materials were created by myself. I did however use a screenshot from the beta for the texture for the DMR, so take that as you wish. This is only my second map for Halo, but I thought it would be really cool to have some people playing Powerhouse before Reach comes out. There are some differences, and I think I got the scale pretty darn close. Let me know if something is wrong and maybe i'll fix it or if you would like to throw in some tags you have been working on! Thanks everyone, i'm looking forward to playing with you and i'll hopefully see you in Reach on the 14th!
Play this map on slayer, ctf, oddball, and KoTH.
More Info:
This map includes:
-Custom BSP
-Custom textures and shaders
-Relatively bad DMR
-Reach-like HUD
-Custom scenery objects for the map

A remake of sorts of Powerhouse from Halo: Reach. I started on this in the middle of June and I just thought that it would be really cool to see how it would turn out. No materials were ripped and all models, textures, animations and other materials were created by myself. I did however use a screenshot from the beta for the texture for the DMR, so take that as you wish. This is only my second map for Halo, but I thought it would be really cool to have some people playing Powerhouse before Reach comes out. There are some differences, and I think I got the scale pretty darn close. Let me know if something is wrong and maybe i'll fix it or if you would like to throw in some tags you have been working on! Thanks everyone, i'm looking forward to playing with you and i'll hopefully see you in Reach on the 14th!
Play this map on slayer, ctf, oddball, and KoTH.
More Info:
This map includes:
-Custom BSP
-Custom textures and shaders
-Relatively bad DMR
-Reach-like HUD
-Custom scenery objects for the map